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Activity feedback form
How satisfied were you with your session?
1 - Very unsatisfied - 5 - Very satisfied
Pre session communication was clear and helpful
1 - Strongly Disagree - 2 - Disagree - 3 - Neutral - 4 - Agree - 5 - Strongly Agree
Venue Choice was suitable for the activity
1 - Strongly Disagree - 2 - Disagree - 3 - Neutral - 4 - Agree - 5 - Strongly Agree
The Coach/Instructor/Leader was professional and knowledgeable
1 - Strongly Disagree - 2 - Disagree - 3 - Neutral - 4 - Agree - 5 - Strongly Agree
The introduction was welcoming and prepared me for the session that followed
1 - Strongly Disagree - 2 - Disagree - 3 - Neutral - 4 - Agree - 5 - Strongly Agree
The activity was well planned
1 - Strongly Disagree - 2 - Disagree - 3 - Neutral - 4 - Agree - 5 - Strongly Agree
The feedback I received was positive and constructive
1 - Strongly Disagree - 2 - Disagree - 3 - Neutral - 4 - Agree - 5 - Strongly Agree
The post session communication is clear and helpful
1 - Strongly Disagree - 2 - Disagree - 3 - Neutral - 4 - Agree - 5 - Strongly Agree
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